Wednesday 12 December 2012


Concepts such as sex and fitness in some respects similar. Scientists more than a year studying the influence of exercise on the human body, taking into account the characteristics of modern life - the constant stresses and jobs involving all hands at work, polluted environment and poor diet. It was found that sex is still useful sports. When a person is in a state of sexual arousal, then it increases the heart rate to 150 beats per minute instead of 70 beats at rest, - the same happens with the athlete in the race for a short distance with the application maximum effort. Blame this - the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the activities and functioning of the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy.During orgasm, the amount of these hormones increases 5 times. As a result of the impact of a 2-fold increase heart rate and a rise in blood pressure. That is why sex on the utility no worse lessons on the most fashionable trainers, because it strengthens the heart and prevents cardiovascular disease. Other than the above, there are two hormones that reduce the risk of heart disease - DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and testosterone. Scientists have found that people who make love at least 2 times a week, can boast better health than those who do these classes are less frequent. Doctors emphasize the positive effects of regular sex on the human body, it helps prevent breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. In addition, sex improves the state of mind of man - because of the release of hormones during sex relaxation occurs, the immune system, increases the body's resistance against colds and flu, improves sense of smell, and interestingly, women have even developed mental abilities! This miraculous hormone oxytocin is produced by even the thought of sex, and as a result, women are becoming more clear and deep thinking. It is true that men feel tired after sex, but it quickly passes and after the opposite reaction occurs, people feel more active and adventurous.

Intercourse is actually very similar workout in the fitness center, because in the process of training involved a lot of different muscle groups in different parts of the body: legs, buttocks, abdomen, chest, arms and back. And given to the same emotions and pleasant, they fetched up in the process, no sports training is not the same!Perhaps you then think that rather spend money on an expensive lesson in the fitness center and buy a beautiful sportswear. But this decision is wrong because sex and fitness linked, but do not exclude each other. though Sex and energetic, but does not give the necessary exercise. To obtain this load would have to be having sex for a few hours a day in a vigorous pace in different positions. In this case, sex would lose its distinctive burst of passion and emotion, and would become a tedious duty. Having sex is not the best way to burn calories - only the most passionate and hot lovers can burn 250 calories per hour, or 4 calories per minute, while the average person burns less than 25 calories, given that sexual intercourse lasts about 5 minutes. The same number of calories burned, when we go up to the two stairwells. Note, however, that much more energy is spent on foreplay to sex. Sports also help improve the quality of sex, as they prepare the woman for sexual arousal and can significantly increase desire. This is very important when you consider that over 30% of women suffer from low libido. During the experiment, 90% of participants reported improvement in their sex drive after sports. And the best time to have sex - 20 minutes after the workout, during which time oxygen is actively supplying the muscle.

What affects the ability of sex in sports, sports man's achievements?We found out that there is a direct correlation of sex from the sport, but is there a reciprocal relationship? You can not give a definite answer as to both men and women, this effect looks different. For male athletes characterized improve athletic success after long periods of abstinence.Muhammad Ali, for example, avoided sex for 6 weeks before the match.Football players also try to sleep well the night before the game. Love games before the competition reduced stamina, strength, the ability of muscles supplied with oxygen. Such deterioration sports results can be easily explained in terms of physiology. When men ejaculate body loses a significant amount of nutrients - vitamins and minerals, the recovery of which, together with food require a certain number of times. In addition, in the process of having sex in the blood of men thrown out a lot of testosterone, and after sexual intercourse, its concentration is falling rapidly. But this hormone affects the physical stamina of men. It is believed that training with weights cause a reduction of male potency.This statement has some truth: physical fatigue is the lack of sexual desire in men, - over-training reduces testosterone levels, because the body is under stress, in which activates the hormone cortisol, which is an antagonist of testosterone. The studies have found that male athletes involved in sports every day, because of an excessive expenditure of energy to exercise, lose interest in sex faster than the rest. But sedentary and sedentary lifestyle also leads to a decrease in sexual function. From all this it was determined the ideal option - exercise at least three times a week. First of all, such training increases the overall energy level of the body, which in itself increases the sexual potential.And the best part - physical exercise rapidly increases levels of the hormone testosterone, even quicker than any drugs - increase occurs even just 2-3 sessions. In this case, the heavier the exercise, the greater the activity of hormone secretion. But the grueling training leading to the depletion of resources of the body, and a temporary reduction in the potency of the athlete. In this case, the high-protein diet to restore the strength and resources of testosterone. The consequence of this the correct mode and compliance measures is to increase sexual desire and sexually active.

 But women made up an opposite situation. Orgasm helps women get rid of accumulated stress, psychological stress and gives strength for sports performance. Fitness help a woman get rid of obstacles and complexes that do not allow a woman to relax and get pleasure from sex.

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