Thursday 6 December 2012

10 Things Not to Say In a Job Interview

There are some things that you .  Saying something you shouldn't just makes it easier for the interviewer to knock you off the candidate list.
You probably won't get a second chance once you have made a mistake by saying something inappropriate or something that will make the interviewer think twice about hiring you.
Here's a quick list of the  along with advice on how to keep your conversation with the interviewer focused on the job at hand.
Saying the wrong thing isn't the only interview mistake that can cost you a job offer.  Here are more interview mistakes to avoid:
Top 10 Interview Mistakes
  1. Not dressing appropiately.
  2. Not turning off your phone.
  3. Not knowing the interviewer's name.
  4. Not bringing extra copies of your resume.
  5. Not bringing a list of refernces
  6. Not making eye contact with the interviwer.
  7. Criticizing your prior bosses and companies.
  8. Not remembering your work history.
  9. Asking about salary.
  10. Not sending a thank you note after the interviewer.

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